Hi, I am spike. I am currently working at Baidu and I am responsible for the back-end development of the 爱企查 App. I am familiar with Go and Ruby.

In the back-end related areas, I am more familiar with databases, message queues and caching. Because I have done some statistical and processing functions in the past, so currently I am interested in big data processing and distributed computing, and I am reading books about it.

In my spare time, I like to learn languages and read books. I have been studying spoken English on cambly and lingoda for over a year. As for books, I prefer to read books related to philosophy and economics. I have recently been trying to figure out how macro monetary and fiscal policies are transmitted throughout the economic cycle to trigger inflation and deflation.

Regarding sports, I like to try different sports. I played table tennis for six years in primary school and I also represented my city in a provincial gateball competition. From my junior high school I got into football and I was the captain of the football team in my college during my university years. In my first year of university I tried to cycle from school to home, a total distance of over 2000km, but I gave up after 500km.

I like to help people and I was volunteering in my hometown during the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008, mainly assisting with the distribution of materials in the resettlement centre for the victims, although my team leader eventually discouraged me from doing so because he thought I was too young. In my sophomore year I went to Guizhou for a period of time to teach maths to some primary and junior high school children. I now also help some students in need to complete their education.